Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning In Winter

One of the most dreaded choirs in life, Spring cleaning, came a bit too soon for me this year and seems to have lasted going on five months now. I want to see the end of it before Spring actually arrives.

Seven years ago, my crazy family had the notion that we could actually buy and maintain a house at this stage of our life. I didn't see the point but while taking a vote I was outvoted and so we ventured on the madness. *Must clarify that buying a home in San Francisco or the bay area is almost impossible as they are overpriced and undersized for growing (in height) families. So we decided to buy a house in Sacramento (YEAH).

Leaving that long story for another day, I am going to fast forward to today. We are now selling the house for more reasons than one and as a result I am faced with the soul responsibility of getting rid of all the junk we have accumulated during our lifetime. So this process started in late August 2009 and as of today, I am not done nor close to being done.

I have one question - why do we accumulate so much crap in our life and store them in boxes and more boxes and more boxes and pile them up in teh garage until there is no room to move and then contemplate on renting a storage place to store more things and than we decide to get more and more things and so on until we can actually open our own warehouse and sell all the junk that we have accumulated in our life just to make room for more junk to buy. Wow!!!

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, for the last four months I have spend every weekend cleaning and dumping and shredding and donating and reboxing and downsizing and donating and dumping and I am not finished.

One piece of advise I can honestly give you, outside of photos, nothing else is of any importance or necessary to buy, store or hold on too. Having "stuff" around does not make for a happy life. It's the memories and the pictures that does all the work. So before you go out and buy and buy and buy more and store and box and store for your kids or for your self, think twice and remember none of it really really matters in the long run. Especially not in this day and age. Take it from me, I know

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