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Midlife Memoir
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
T- Shirt Frenzy

Is it my imagination or t-shirts now a days are made of parchment paper? I understand the whole, let's cater to the young and skinny as they are the ones who shop and spend money. Let us also make the clothes so that after one wear, you toss and buy another one. I get it, but...
For the woman over 40, that concept is not good enough. Women over 40 and mind you those with young children, need t-shirts that will withstand the test of ketchup stains, detergent and various other marks put on as a result of ongoing and everlasting chores.
So, while I have searched high and low for some good quality t-shirts I stumbled upon Eddie Bauer and their selection of "pretty good quality" adult t-shirts. Of course the sale they are having now also helps, but at least I know I can do my thing without being worried about the parchment look.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Chanel Gown Gone Wrong

I am a huge fan of Chanel but in this case not so much. I think the person designing this particular gown was confused or intoxicated. No part of the gown makes sense and I know sometimes photos don't do the gowns justice but really in this case it is very obvious this one is down right awful.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Why Is This Okay

Keilsi Dagger "Carly" Sandals $109.95 at Nordstrom

Francesco Morichetti Suede Sandal $199.00 at Nordstrom
First of all, Suede + (early or late) summer heat = bad for legs due to sweating and clogging/damaging the pores. Second: Sandals and bootlike contraption is truly a fashion oxymoron.
Where has fashion gone and why is it there? Shoes in my opinion should compliment the legs and feet and these type of style/fashion don't do anything for any girl or woman.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Serving Trays From Crate and Barrel

I love entertaining friends and family, but hate using paper plates
and the aluminum disposable serving trays or even tupperware to set up the food table. In my opinion, unless it is a kiddy birthday party, a woman should try to use as much of her trays and dishes as possible when hosting a dinner party.
Believe me even if the food you display is take out or catered, just by having them arranged in your personal collection of trays and racks says alot about you.
Two of my most used and favorite serving trays are the Cambridge Baker with Rack and the Cambridge 2 Tier Server from Crate and Barrel. I am a firm believer that since food is colorful enough, the trays they are presented on should be either white or bone in color in order to compliment the dish.
The other reason I swear by these trays is because they are versatile enough to use throughout the year and have handles which make them easy to move from kitchen to table and back for more servings. I also love the European look and feel to them and of course porcelain is always my choice of ceramic dishware for most occassions.
Anyway, the two items are very affordable and can be viewed and purchased at most Crate and Barrel locations or online just in case you live too far from a Crate and Barrel
Product Details:
Cambridge 2 Tier Server (pictured left corner) is $34.95
Crate and Barrel Exclusive Removable rectangular plates nestle in the portable stand with a simple, stylish design.White porcelain plates.Iron wire stand with natural finish.Plates are dishwasher- and microwave-safe
Cambridge Baker With Rack (pictured right middle) is $24.95
Crate and Barrel Exclusive Clean lines in white porcelain and matte metal make a simply sophisticated oven-to-table statement. The rectangular baker rests neatly in its footed metal stand with arched handles. Bake and serve in one beautiful piece, or simply present foods with style and convenience. White porcelain
Powder-coated metal stand Baker is dishwasher-, microwave- and oven-safe
Believe me even if the food you display is take out or catered, just by having them arranged in your personal collection of trays and racks says alot about you.

The other reason I swear by these trays is because they are versatile enough to use throughout the year and have handles which make them easy to move from kitchen to table and back for more servings. I also love the European look and feel to them and of course porcelain is always my choice of ceramic dishware for most occassions.
Anyway, the two items are very affordable and can be viewed and purchased at most Crate and Barrel locations or online just in case you live too far from a Crate and Barrel
Product Details:
Cambridge 2 Tier Server (pictured left corner) is $34.95
Crate and Barrel Exclusive Removable rectangular plates nestle in the portable stand with a simple, stylish design.White porcelain plates.Iron wire stand with natural finish.Plates are dishwasher- and microwave-safe
Cambridge Baker With Rack (pictured right middle) is $24.95
Crate and Barrel Exclusive Clean lines in white porcelain and matte metal make a simply sophisticated oven-to-table statement. The rectangular baker rests neatly in its footed metal stand with arched handles. Bake and serve in one beautiful piece, or simply present foods with style and convenience. White porcelain
Powder-coated metal stand Baker is dishwasher-, microwave- and oven-safe
No Mini Skirt Over 40

Sure, mini skirts are sexy and is intended, in my opinion, to stear attention from other parts of a woman's body. But, a woman over 40, no matter how sexy and shaply should stay away from mini skirts. I don't care how good they feel and look.

Mini Skirt: D&G Bouche Miniskirt $285.00 At Nordstrom
Pencil Skirt: Ingenuity Pencil Skirt $86.00 At Nordstrom
sexy legs,
Women over 40
Friday, May 21, 2010
Angelina's Cafe

I must have driven by Angelina's Cafe on California Street and 22nd (in the Richmond District in San Francisco) about a hundred times and said to myself, wow what a cute place, I have to go there sometimes.
Well, finally today, after years of contemplating and planning, I finally decided to eat breakfast there after my one hour walk. As I parked my car half a block from the corner where Angelina's Cafe is situated, I got a great feeling in my stomach as I walked by the French bistro table and chairs lined along the outside of the cafe. When I entered through the door, I noticed the customers lined up along the deli counter, waiting to order their food. Some were holding on to their dog's leashes. I instantly knew I would love this place since they allowed dogs to be in the store. (Just in case you are wondering, I feel dogs should be allowed everywhere)

I ordered a sesame bagel with eggs, cheddar cheese and bacon and was asked if I wanted it lightly toasted and although I don't like toasted bread, I agreed to doing so in this case. I also ordered a cup of coffee, then noticed a cranberry/orange scone tray nicely displayed above the deli counter and ordered one as well, overlooking the guilty conscience about the calorie overload.
When they called out my order, I picked up my wicker tray of goodies and walked over to the French bistro style chair and table on the inside and sat so I could take in the ambiance while I ate.
My eyes wondered to every nook and cranny of the tiny deli and I was fascinated by the Italian flare with a bit of French twist decor of the place. Everything in the deli made sense and was organized esthetically so very pleasing to the eyes. I devoured my sandwich and gulped down the delicious coffee while I watched a gourmet cheese truck deliver a new batch of perfect cheeses to the deli and I smiled.
Soon thereafter, I bused my own table and left the place, while planning out my next visit a week from today. My recommendation when you visit Angelina's Cafe , consider doing so on a weekday if you can, but if you must go on the weekends, be prepared to wait. The place is always packed and there is a bit of wait for entering the store to order your meal.
The Art Of Walking
Here is the thing, we all know we need some form of exercise in our life to stay healthy, especially when we are on the wrong side of 40. So with that said, I want to state here that the "gym thing" or running a daily marathon is not my choice of exercise for more reasons than one. So I opt to walk.
I have always been a firm believer of walking and feel it is the best way of getting plenty of exercise without really hurting myself in the process. However, I also know that to get the most out of my walk, I must follow a few simple rules I created for myself.
Walking everyday is ideal for me. I prefer a path with challenges along the way. Such as 50 or so steps to climb up, 500 yards total of some uphill and then downhill, a dirt road or on sand to minimize some unwarranted shock throughout my muscles and finally a winding road or coarse to make it more fun. The second thing I enjoy while walking, is changing the neighborhood everyday. I find that if I walk the neighborhood I live around, I tend to get bored very quickly and end up cheating by walking only for 5-10 minutes around two blocks and then returning home to blog (in my case).
The way I accomplish this is, although I repeat some neighborhoods on a weekly basis, I mix and match the paths and direction while doing so. The third thing of course is music in my ears and walking with a friend for safety and security. Keep in mind the music you put together on your I-Tunes/I-pod should be upbeat and fast paced dance tunes, no classical music or love songs (those tend to slow you down and make your mind wonder to places you don't need to be while walking). Finally breath in and out and keep shoulders up while striding along.
So before you attempt to take that walk spontaneously, think twice and chart your course with a few challenges so that you can master the art of walking and get the most out of your exercise.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Blood Pressure Results
Yes the drive to the medical clinic was worth it for sure. My blood pressure check up was about 2 minutes if not less and based on the results I still have high blood pressure. Not at all surprising. So the nurse practitioner or a nice lady working at my doctor's office told me she would hand me a pamphlet which would explain what I can do to reduce my high blood pressure, this is after doing a checklist with me of what I MAY be doing wrong. The questions were:
Do you smoke? NO
Do you drink? sometimes
Do you eat fruits and vegetables? yes, daily
Do you eat protein? yes, daily
Do you exercise? yes, daily
Do you eat fried foods? maybe once a month if at all
She finally said, "well you do all the right things so it must
be stress" (I thought to myself there is that word again) and I, with a guilty look on my face, nodded in agreement. So I got the pamphlet anyway even though I was doing everything right according to her questions and was told to go home and try to relax. (???)
Do you smoke? NO
Do you drink? sometimes
Do you eat fruits and vegetables? yes, daily
Do you eat protein? yes, daily
Do you exercise? yes, daily
Do you eat fried foods? maybe once a month if at all
She finally said, "well you do all the right things so it must

Blood Pressure

I had to write this as it has been a week since my last blood pressure check up and I am due to get another this morning to make sure it is at a manageable level.
Well (I laugh)because I did nothing this past week which relieved any stress so basically I am hoping I will pass the test on a whim. I am not complaining but the events revolving around a middle aged woman's life is not something easily fixable unless of course I am rolling in millions and can afford a message, a nutritionist, a yoga personal coach, and the ability to just buy a first class ticket and fly to Paris for the weekend just to calm my nerves and bring the blood pressure down.
So, I am hoping that perhaps, if I listen to classical music on my way to the doctors I can bring the pressure down a notch or two. (I laugh again). Who am I kidding, as I always say, it is what it is, so until this afternoon, please stay tuned for the results.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Face Lift, Hollywood and Me

I love it when a celebrity, when asked what they feel about botox and cosmetic surgery, immediately say NO they do not believe in them, as if trying to convince themselves and us that Au Natural is the way to go. HA! I say to them while laughing of course. No hard feelings, cause as I always say, it is what it is. They have photo touch ups and camera ready makeup, while the rest of us have Oil of Olay and Este Lauder to rely on.
I think I could live with myself as I prune away and shrivel before I die, if I were able to avoid all fashion magazine covers and TV commercials as well as celebrity talk, but until someone puts a lid on all the hype of anti-aging and anti-wrinkling "secret formulas" I will forever feel like crap as I wake every morning to discover a new dept in my wrinkles and signs of aging.
an exert from InStyle Magazine from an intervew with Salma Hayek: On whether she’d ever have plastic surgery: “No surgical tweaks. No Botox either. Look. [She raises her eyebrows.] I think it is terrible, these girls in their late 20s injecting their faces and lips. One told me, ‘If I kill my muscles now, I’ll never get wrinkles.’ Can you imagine?”
Salma Hayek, I will tell you this, if I were married to a multi millionaire French businessman and probably have not a care in the world such as yourself, I may also find a way to fib a little about BOTOX and Plastic Surgery, in the meantime stop looking so good and so happy, it really isn't doing anything for my self esteem.
Este Lauder,
InStyle Magazine,
Oil Of Olay,
Plastic Surgery,
Salma Hayek
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Lunch With Mom At Boudin's Bakery
So I have to always think where to eat when she and I go out together and most times we settle on Italian since pasta or pizza is a safe bet with her. She always orders fettuccine Alfredo with chicken. I try to suggest difference variations, perhaps a lighter sauce or a salmon dish over chicken but she always declines and sticks to what she knows and feels comfortable with and then feels too full or unable to finish her entire meal.
Lately however, I have discovered she prefers sandwiches with soft bread that she can bite through. This tickles me pink and I love it when I can get her the sandwich she "hopefully" would like and watch her eat every last bite of it as a result of her approval of it.
So, yesterday I finally got her out of the house to a mall with the intention that I was going to feed her a good sandwich paired with perhaps a nice cup of soup. We went to Boudin Bakery and I asked her if she wanted to consider half a sandwich with a side of tomato garlic soup and she immediately declined the soup and declared she wanted a full sandwich. I explained to her that a full sandwich might be too much for her and a cup of their tomato garlic soup is a must with most any sandwich. She shook her head in the most cutest way and pointed to the turkey sandwich.
When our order was called out, I picked up the tray and headed to a table she was seated at and gave her a spoon and asked her to try my tomato garlic soup. She declined politely but continued to look at me swallowing spoonful after spoonful while declaring my fondness of it. She finally caved in and took a spoonful and loved it as I knew she would. I asked her if she wanted her own bowl and once again she declined politely, but this time it was because she felt embarrassed.
I watched her finish her sandwich, which I knew she would and then commented on the soup. So I told her we will make a habit of our visit to Boudin Bakery and order 1/2 a sandwich with a side of tomato garlic soup. She nodded and smiled. Ahh,the time with my mother is priceless...
Boudin Bakery,
Mother's Day,
Tomato Garlic Soup
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Cheese and More Cheese Please

Check out some of my favorite cheesy blogs and hang outs - a place to get your cheesy panini fix
Whole Foods Market - organic cheeses with great pairing suggestions
Napa Cheese Stores - Artisan Cheese Festival and Store Locator for Napa
San Francisco Cheeses - A List of Good Cheese Purveyors In San Francisco
Love to hear from anyone and everyone with a list of their favorite cheese stores and more
J. Crew, My Love Love Relationship
I frequent a mall near my house probably every day. This is not to say that I love shopping, it's just a good and safe way for me to get my walk on without freezing my a** off with the San Francisco weather.
Anyway, I walked into J. Crew, only because I noticed a beautiful
display right near the doorway and of course it worked because I just couldn't resist it. Stupid me, had I known I could take a basic t-shirt and turn it into a sexy, versatile and useful top for evening and sometimes formal wear, I would have bought stock in fruit of the loom a long time ago.
But seriously, they are very pretty and elegant and of course overpriced, but to touch them and imagine wearing one to some fun and crazy night out is in itself a cool feeling. I smiled as I actually felt like a 20year old for a minute there and believe me if I were crazy enough to buy one, I would frame it for the fear of the sequences falling off with every turn I made as I walked down any street or attempted to dance at a club.
Anyway, the point is go to J. Crew and see them for yourself. The top in the picture is Sequin Drizzle Tank at $148.00. It comes in aluminum and pearl beachwood colors. They are truly a beautiful piece of work and will look amazing for the right figured woman, but when wearing one, do carry another top in your bag just in case, you find yourself sequenceless throughout the night.
Anyway, I walked into J. Crew, only because I noticed a beautiful

But seriously, they are very pretty and elegant and of course overpriced, but to touch them and imagine wearing one to some fun and crazy night out is in itself a cool feeling. I smiled as I actually felt like a 20year old for a minute there and believe me if I were crazy enough to buy one, I would frame it for the fear of the sequences falling off with every turn I made as I walked down any street or attempted to dance at a club.
Anyway, the point is go to J. Crew and see them for yourself. The top in the picture is Sequin Drizzle Tank at $148.00. It comes in aluminum and pearl beachwood colors. They are truly a beautiful piece of work and will look amazing for the right figured woman, but when wearing one, do carry another top in your bag just in case, you find yourself sequenceless throughout the night.
Celebrity Gossip,
J. Crew,
Sequin Drizzle Tank,
Tank Tops
Kettle Chips and Smartwater

I am always on the go, even if I am at home (if you know what I mean). I am also one of those people who needs to eat or munch on something every two hours just to function. So, between the healthy breakfast, a big lunch and a very very light dinner I sometimes get my salt fix with Kettle and Potato Chips and a bottle of Smartwater.
Laugh, I don't care, it works for me. If you haven't tried the chips,
please do. Finally, some adult chips (in my opinion) worth bragging about. My favorite is Honey Dijon in a Tuscany bright orange bag and to wash it down, I reach for my 33.8 oz bottle of Smartwater and call it a day.

So next time, I know, I sound like a commercial, you feel like munching, trace down a bag and get a load of the best spuds around any town.
Kettle Potato Chips,
Middle Eastern Food,
Rambling On

I do try (mostly) to keep a positive outlook on life just because, as I get older, I want to make sure I do my part in keeping myself fine tuned. I laugh when I say that because just yesterday I went to the doctor for a check up and again I laugh because now a days going to the doctor is just a means to getting legal drugs and that is it, but I had to go (it's a woman thing).
I know they mean to have your best interest in their hearts but somehow, thanks to the Internet and "our" ability to get most information we need about what is ailing us online, they have nothing to offer otherwise, but a mere piece of paper with some presciption (meds) that may or may not make us feel better.
It was cute, to have a much younger doctor than you, try to understand what you feel and what is going on in your body and mind as a woman. She asked what was bothering me since my blood pressure was up. I looked at her and wondered if I bothered to answer that question, what can she do really to make it all better. She suggested I seek therapy and I laughed sarcastically in order to refrain from saying something that may offend her.
Is the answer to all our problems resolved through therapy or meds? Talking about your spouse or kids or work or finance to someone is really not that useful in my opinion because they have nothing "personal" to offer. Most of the time its a place to vent and the responses are generic and because of it, you actually feel alot worse going for help and not getting it.
Thank heaven for blogging, it gives me the therapy I need and its all for free. As for the blood pressure issue, well I will stay off the coffee and embrace green tea and then see where that gets me. Stay tuned.
Anyway, I walked out of the room, not at all surprised about how I would feel with the appointment, it was as exactly as I had expected it to be. It's funny the older you get, the less you are surprised by events which take place in your life and as a result of it drink champagne, eat chocolate and laugh as much as you can.
Celebrity Gossip,
Kaiser Permenante,
Physical Therapy
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Breakfast Of Over 40 Champions

You know we read here and there and listen to news about what "we" need to eat in order to stay healthy and maintain our weight. Whatever that means. I mean this topic annoys me to no end. I want to understand how it is that people can maintain a healthy lifestyle while coping with life's pressures, breathing in the pollution day in and day out and consuming processed foods?
No, but seriously, aside from the b.s., it is difficult to do our part and as a result we sometimes tend to eat a quick muffin for breakfast, or chomp on frozen waffles while we drive the kids to school, maybe even just settle on a cup of coffee if we are watching our weight just to pretend we got something in our stomachs before tackling the day.
Well, here is my take on this. I am a firm believer of eating a good breakfast and taking the time to do so in order to have the most positive day possible. I understand most women are busy in the mornings to get their children off to school or their husbands to work. But believe me when I say this, time for yourself is really and completely necessary for breakfast, no matter how hectic the morning is.

Switch it up, another morning boil two eggs and Oroweat Raisin/Cinnamon swirl toast, again have fresh fruits ready (sliced melons and FRESH bananas is suggested) and the milk or the juice for the kids, plus your coffee.

On the weekend, consider making crepes instead of pancakes and fill them up with fresh strawberries, bananas, blueberries and drizzle them with Nutella or creme frache (found in gourmet grocery stores or Trader Joes).
The combinations and possibilities are endless, the menu exciting for the family and great to eat. Fun and colorful foods tend to entice appetite and give you a piece of mind knowing you did your part in giving your family a healthy start.
Almond Butter,
Healthy Breakfast.Trader Joe,
Friday, May 7, 2010
Mother's Day Suggestions

Although I don't believe in Mother's Day, because I feel Mothers need to be celebrated often throughout the year, but since it is what it is let me make a few suggestions for a super chic mother's day.
First of, since the celebration is a super special one, in my opinion,
I suggest picking up a card from Papyrus Stationary and Greeting Card Stores, if you happen to be in California, or Target and Macy and some bookstores across the nation carry them as well. The cards are a bit pricey but you get what you pay for. They are as close to handmade (by you but not really) and sincerely unique. The wording isn't much but it gives you the opportunity to be creative. A very important part of a mother's day celebration, thoughts that you live by, not what someone else has written for you.

Second, be sure to wrap her gift unless it is a place or an event. Never, I mean never, give your mother a gift card. Remember the gift doesn't have to be much but it has to be meaningful. It doesn't have to cost alot, but has to be memorable. Mothers often feel bad about the $$$ their family spends on them for mother's day, but they do appreciate the thought, no matter how much they pretend they don't.
Make breakfast or dinner for her instead of going out to a restaurant. It is more personal rather than typical/commercial. If you cannot cook or bake, consider take out and set the table with fine china, candles and flowers and have everyone in the family dress up. Film the occasion or take pictures for her sentimental family albums.

Surprise her with a visit if you live far away and $$$ can. If you live near wine region, take her there for the day (if she is into that sort of thing). Have a family picnic if the weather permits and be sure to include champagne in the plans.
The point is, make the day unique and special and stay away from the norms. Make it from the heart, something you spend a good amount of time putting together. I still believe Mothers should be celebrated all throughout the year, but if you want to just acknowledge her for one day in May, then make it special.
Have fun.
Mother's Day,
Napa Style Restaurant,
Papyrus Card Store,
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Getting Ready For Two Weddings

I hope I am not offending anyone, but merely sharing my thoughts and suggestions. In my opinion every woman, no matter what shape or size can be sexy and sensual when taking the time to wear clothes that will compliment their physique. Settling on the love of a designer or a favorite color sometimes may not be the best thing. Also remember an outfit does not need to be expensive to look good. Shop wisely and take pictures of yourself in the outfit you chose to make sure you actually look good in them.
Fashion for over 40,
J. Crew,
Kelvin Cline,
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