Maggy London Illusion Back Pleated Matte Jersey Dress (Nordstrom)$148.00 - This is my best black dress choice for an evening wedding in Sausalito, California this June. I prefer wearing black for most evening occasions, it is the fall back dress for me when I feel self conscious about anything physically or just plain self conscious. Be careful however, with a dress like this one, you want to make sure your curves and bulges are in the right location of your body otherwise your attempt will be disastrous.

Alex Evenings Portrait Collar Mesh Dress (Nordstrom)For a more full figured and bustier than myself woman, I suggested going with the following choices.

Eliza J Ruffle Print Wrap Dress (Nordstrom) $158.00 - This is the dress I decided on for a daytime outdoor wedding in Santa Barbara July 2010. Again this style works for my body type but may not do justice for the full figured woman over 40.

Instead, for daytime or outdoor events, I suggest sticking to neutrals and whites with some sort of sheer wrap to cover the arms, the ideal skirt should cover the knees and have flares in order to give the illusion of height and in my opinion the confidence you may be looking for to minimize feeling self conscious.
I hope I am not offending anyone, but merely sharing my thoughts and suggestions. In my opinion every woman, no matter what shape or size can be sexy and sensual when taking the time to wear clothes that will compliment their physique. Settling on the love of a designer or a favorite color sometimes may not be the best thing. Also remember an outfit does not need to be expensive to look good. Shop wisely and take pictures of yourself in the outfit you chose to make sure you actually look good in them.
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