I do try (mostly) to keep a positive outlook on life just because, as I get older, I want to make sure I do my part in keeping myself fine tuned. I laugh when I say that because just yesterday I went to the doctor for a check up and again I laugh because now a days going to the doctor is just a means to getting legal drugs and that is it, but I had to go (it's a woman thing).
I know they mean to have your best interest in their hearts but somehow, thanks to the Internet and "our" ability to get most information we need about what is ailing us online, they have nothing to offer otherwise, but a mere piece of paper with some presciption (meds) that may or may not make us feel better.
It was cute, to have a much younger doctor than you, try to understand what you feel and what is going on in your body and mind as a woman. She asked what was bothering me since my blood pressure was up. I looked at her and wondered if I bothered to answer that question, what can she do really to make it all better. She suggested I seek therapy and I laughed sarcastically in order to refrain from saying something that may offend her.
Is the answer to all our problems resolved through therapy or meds? Talking about your spouse or kids or work or finance to someone is really not that useful in my opinion because they have nothing "personal" to offer. Most of the time its a place to vent and the responses are generic and because of it, you actually feel alot worse going for help and not getting it.
Thank heaven for blogging, it gives me the therapy I need and its all for free. As for the blood pressure issue, well I will stay off the coffee and embrace green tea and then see where that gets me. Stay tuned.
Anyway, I walked out of the room, not at all surprised about how I would feel with the appointment, it was as exactly as I had expected it to be. It's funny the older you get, the less you are surprised by events which take place in your life and as a result of it drink champagne, eat chocolate and laugh as much as you can.
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