Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feeling Unmotivated

I wonder what makes us feel unmotivated most times to do just about anything. I am having trouble determining whether I am confusing unmotivated with depression.

In my twenties, I seem to have the energy to do most anything no matter how difficult and redundant the task. Nothing got me down, I welcomed any challenge and handled it with utmost determination and perseverance. But now, everything I do or need to do I feel is not challenging enough nor important enough to handle. I often find myself talking me into doing what needs to be done and creating lists of things to do and not wanting to get them done.

I try to find out why this is the case. I look around me and see that most things in life have lost it's luster. Whether it be the job, partner, daily chores, driving a car, going to the same places, kids and their needs, siblings, society. There are now just a few things remaining that make me feel good about myself and I am worried that pretty soon that wont do either.

What does it take? How do we stay motivated and find joy in the repetitive and mundane things in our lives. I go back and think what was it that was so different at 20 versus now and I realize that we as human beings are much more optimistic about life at 20 then we are at nearing 50. We are so naive at 20 that every step of our life than is a new experience and challenge hence the motivation to do better and strive for more. I suppose life could have also been easier in the early 80's and not so much in 2010. I worry about it all.

I mean what will become of mankind if most people feel as I do? What can be done to reverse the damage of wisdom and find ways to feel vibrant and optimistic? This is the question of the day. I am looking forward to some insight and hopefully someone can share their views with me.

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