Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gifts For Myself - Improving My Quality of Life

Not sure why but in January I decided to create a wish list of new things or changes I wanted to see in my life. One of the things I did was buy a monthly calendar so that I can log in what I wanted to accomplish each day and month, since I don't have a job or a purpose right now, it is really difficult to get going in order to accomplish tasks or anything for that matter.

Anyway, my list included getting rid of junk, clothes and old furniture, shred documents from years past that mean nothing to me and organize my photographs and consolidate my keepsakes. In addition, I realizes that I needed a new bed, a new laptop, my own personal camera, a face lift (haha) a new job, and a new car so I charted a course of action by listing each month which items I wanted to purchase or replace.

So, first off I needed a scanner because I decided instead of keeping files of paperwork around the house or a storage unit, I would scan and file everything, this includes all the pictures in my life. My first purchase item in January was a scanner.

In February, my husband and I, well mostly me, decided that it was time for us to buy a new bed. We have never had our own bed for the past 25 years. We slept on mine and had his in a spare room for guests. So on Valentine's Day (purely coincidental) we bought our first joint bed together. It felt good on delivery day to get the bed and lay on it. Even our dog loved it.

So for March, I am opting for a camera but not sure if that is more important than a laptop since it is a more useful and practical gift for myself. So stay tuned to find out what I decided to purchase in March.

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