Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Good Bottle of Champagne

A good bottle of champagne makes all the difference in the world when it comes to a social gathering or a simple romantic evening with your other half. Buying a bad or cheap bottle of champagne doesn't seem to work, no matter which way you turn.

In the past people were able to get away with buying cheap wine and the consumers would drink it and not really say a word because they didn't want to seem like they don't know anything about wine.

But a good versus a bad bottle of champagne is most noticeable for anyone and everyone when consuming it. So to help those individuals who are champagne challenged and like me do not live on a Dom Perignoin budget, I suggest the following bottles for that special occassion without overdrawing your checking account:

Ballatore $7.99
Moet Chandon $10.95
Gloria Ferrer $20.00

Domain Chandon $22.00 only if you can't find Gloria Ferrer

Veuve Cicquoet
$39.00 only if you want to impress me.

Have Fun!!!

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